Highlands Dental Care – Clarksburg, Maryland
Children’s Sedation
Dr. James Tong invites you to relax with your next dental visit

Highlands Dental Care – Clarksburg, Maryland
Children’s Sedation
Dr. James Tong invites you to relax during your next dental visit

What is Children’s Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry with Dr. Tong allows his youngest patients to relax while undergoing dental procedures. Dental sedation enables young patients to overcome anxiety from discomfort to a phobia. Plus, sedation allows you to group various procedures into a single office visit, making it a better use of your time. And in the end, your child will have little or no recollection of their visit.
If you have an unpleasant memory of visiting the dentist from your childhood, you know how uncomfortable it can be to feel afraid of the dentist. Let us help your child avoid that same feeling! We want our young patients to love their visits.
As an experienced and compassionate dentist in Clarksburg, MD, Dr. Tong understands your concerns and can make your child’s dental visit completely relaxing and fear-free with the use of sedation dentistry options like nitrous oxide and conscious sedation. Request a free sedation consultation today!
Who’s a Good Candidate?
You might confuse sedation with pain relief. Our young patients don’t feel a thing during any procedures due to our anesthetics. Dr. Tong offers sedation, not for pain, but to help children deal with strong feelings of fear and anxiety that arise when they visit the dentist. After receiving sedation and completing their treatments, our child patients often experience a change in the entire way they view dental appointments going forward.
Have difficulty overcoming anxiety about the dentist
Have a low pain threshold
Have very sensitive teeth
Have a very strong gag reflex
Need a large amount of work done

Sedation Services
Dr. James Tong would like to invite you to visit our office for a full complement of services in one location. We offer nitrous oxide for nervous guests, as well as things like tooth extractions, dental cleanings, and more.

Available To All Patients
Nitrous Oxide
Complimentary to all of our youngest patients, nitrous oxide is ideal for those who experience common dental jitters or minor anxiety. Nitrous oxide is a clear, odorless gas inhaled before and during the procedure. The effects leave patients feeling calm and even euphoric. Once the gas is stopped, the effects dissipate quickly and leave kids ready to resume normal daily activity.

Relax During Treatment
Oral Sedation
Ideal for moderate dental anxiety, general aversion to the dental office, or a sensitive gag reflex, oral sedation is a prescriptive sedative pill taken before your child’s appointment time. This method of sedation leaves patients feeling very relaxed, calm, and even sleepy, but fully alert and able to respond to our instructions.

We’re 100%
Committed To Your Child’s Safety
Each member of our team is 100 percent committed to making your child feel comfortable, providing gentle and stress-free care, and creating the relaxed environment necessary for positive dental visits. Dr. Tong is trained and certified to administer sedation and monitors patient safety throughout the entire procedure. He can help your family choose the right level of sedation to vanquish any fears, however minor or severe. To ensure complete comfort during dental treatment in our Clarksburg, MD, practice, we are pleased to offer complimentary nitrous oxide to our patients!
Frequently Asked Questions
About Dental Sedation
Oral Sedation: With oral sedation, your child will be given a small pill to take 1 hour before arriving at their appointment. They will be feeling very drowsy by the time you arrive, so it’s important to arrange a transportation and rest before and after their appointment.
Nitrous: With Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas, a mask is placed over your child's face which allows them to breathe a mixture of oxygen and gas. This relaxes your child for the procedure. Since the effects quickly wear off, your child will be able to go back to their regular activities immediately after.
Dental Emergency
There’s little that’s as painful as a tooth or jaw ache, so call us any time to schedule an emergency appointment. Our doctors and team love our patients and want what’s best for you, so call us today for an emergency appointment!
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 2:00 pm